Sunday, April 13, 2008

Case of the Week 17

Welcome to the Parasite Case of the Week. Every Monday there will be a new case, as well as the answer to the previous case (you will find it below the corresponding case). Please feel free to leave a comment or your thoughts regarding the diagnosis.

The following egg is found in a human fecal concentration. Without knowing size, what is the most likely diagnosis? Name 3 other possible diagnoses. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO ENLARGE.


  1. Kelli and I say Hookworm, most likely, but possibly Trichostrongylus. Could also be, maybe, Ascaris that has lost its mammillated layer?

  2. I am voting for a fertile, but decorticated Ascaris egg. Maybe the NEJM video from last week's post was a prelude to this image...

  3. I would suggest a morel or other mushroom spore given the lack of internal differentiation usually seen with hookworm eggs at the time of passage.
