Sunday, May 4, 2008

Case of the Week 20

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The following histologic sections were taken at autopsy from the brain (cerebral cortex) of a patient with cancer. Many foreign objects are noted in the first image (taken at 500x original magnification; the most obvious ones are marked with arrows). The second image (1000x) nicely demonstrates the 2 different forms of the organism which range from 10 - 15 microns (marked with arrowheads). CLICK ON THE IMAGES TO ENLARGE.



  1. hmmmmmmm.... kinda looks amoebic; top cell looks like a troph and the bottom a double walled cyst so could it be Acanthamoeba spp? Is this section taken from deep tissue?

  2. I also would call this Acanthamoeba. Naeglaria doesn't make cysts, and the wavy cyst wall suggests Acanthamoeba over Balamuthia, which is much less common, I think.

  3. Yeah I think Balamuthia is triple walled?? Better look that up tho! Naeglaria causing a menigitis-like infection so not like this.....
