Monday, June 22, 2009

Case of the Week 74

The following helminth is a rare intestinal pathogen of humans. It embeds its spiny proboscis into the mucosa of the small intestinal, typically causing severe cramping and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation or bloody stools. The morphology of the adult worm is classic:

20x original magnification

40x original magnification

100x original magnification

Identification? (note - only the general category of organism is necessary).
How is infection with this organism typically acquired?


  1. acanthocephales (thorny-headed worms)

    Impressive! thanks again for sharing

    These parasites have complex life cycles. In man,infection is from an intermediate host (a crustacean or insect).
    Any eggs?


  2. Hey there!

    Yep I agree.... Acanthocephales and such a beautiful parasite (if I may say so!).

    Rare.... seen more commonly in fish I remember so I would hazard a guess at crustacean/fish consumption as the route to infection.

  3. Can you get this from eating sushi? (:~)
