Monday, March 29, 2010

Case of the Week 111

Objects such as those shown below were seen in a urine specimen submitted for examination. According to the patient, he had passed several of these objects in his urine. Possible identification?


  1. I would question the patient on exactly how his urine sample was collected and stored because those are mosquitoe larvae.

  2. Please forgive my typo. That should be mosquito and not mosquitoe. Oops.

  3. I would go with mosquito larvae too. There are some other good videos of this organism on Google images. Tell us more about this "patient". BW in Vt

  4. WTF??! That seems highly unlikely, was the toliet outdoors and the urine sample was taken from there? These are Culicine larvae.

  5. It looks like the Urine was allowed to sit until the eggs of Schistosoma haematobium eggs hatched and the Cercariae are now swimming around.

  6. The joke may be...
    The patient had a patent urachus+UTI.
    He went swimming in a pond which had Culicine eggs.
    Then the eggs went though his patent urachus to his bladder, hatched and grew up there.
    The larvae fed on the bacteria which cause him UTI.
    Then he passed these larvae to these urine specimen.
    If we give him more time, some mosquitoes may fly from his penis.

  7. The more I look at it the more it's beginning to look like mosquito larvae. (The head and tail shapes.)

  8. Cercaria of schistosmes have forked tails.More magnification would be helpful.Mosquito larvae have a similar movement. Some people like to put non human parasites in specimens and bring them to doctors.

  9. typo-should be schistosomes

  10. I'll have to go with mosquito larvae. I wonder where he left his urine before he brought it to the lab.
