Sunday, February 12, 2012

Case of the Week 195

A 30 yo man with travel to South America presented with chronic non-healing warty skin lesions. Repeated skin biopsies were negative for microorganisms by histopathology but culture using brain-heart infusion media with rabbit blood grew the following on day 12 of incubation at 25C.

(1000x original magnification)

(1000x original magnification, Giemsa)



  1. could it be Trypanosoma cruzi

  2. Leishmania promastigotes; the amastigote is seen in tissue, but they convert in culture to promastigotes.

  3. With "chronic non-healing warty skin lesions" I would say Leishmania sp.

  4. Leishmania - at first I thought the skin lesions could be a reation to the bite of Reduviid bugs and thus, that it could be T. cruzi, but if the lesions are chronic, then I agree with the others above and say that these are Leishmania promastigotes ...

  5. Gotta be cutaneous Leishmaniasis > New World; speciation to follow! It is really cool that we can perform the cultures in our lab now. Be nice if we can speciate - though likely will need to rely on the CDC Leishmania for that. Very Cool! - Mundele Djo

  6. the faint big darkpink blob is the nucleus.
    The small clear pink dot is the kinetoplast
