Monday, July 29, 2013

Answer to Case 267

Answer:  Giardia duodenalis (aka. G. lamblia, G. intestinalis)

This video shows the characteristic "falling leaf" motility of Giardia.  I really like how you can see the shape of the trophozoite in this video.  Note in the still shots below that is somewhat flattened laterally and therefore looks like a leaf.  It helps explain the pattern of motility that we see.

It is only when the troph turns to show its ventral-dorsal aspect that we see the classic piriform (pear) or 'kite' shape of the trophozoite:

And now our poem from Blaine Mathison!

Giardiasis has often been referred to as Beaver Fever
Not to be confused with the phenomenon about a certain singer
And this parasite has much better dancing moves
as it winds through your lumen to a flagellar groove
And with no annoying ‘pooparazzi’ life couldn’t be sweeter!

(For those of you who aren't up on the latest pop culture [like me], Blaine is referring to Justin Bieber and the bewildering phenomenon of Bieber Fever - yes folks, that really is a thing)


  1. That is a nice video and a different way to see it...

  2. Giardia lamblia trophozoite (others use different species names) from a wet mount showing falling leaf motility
