Sunday, September 8, 2013

Answer to Case 273

Answer:  Mucus casts

Mucus casts may be seen in a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and can present as small ragged ropes of mucus or long thicker ropes (as seen in this case).  The following images show the spectrum of mucus casts that may be observed in stool:

All of the viewers correctly noted that these objects were not a parasite, despite their superficial resemblance to various worms.  The keys to identification are the irregular diameter and shape, lack of distinct mouthparts or tail, and ease with which the strands can be pulled apart.  In contrast, actual helminths have a more resilient smooth external cuticle and defined head and tail structures.


  1. Those little wight things are tape worm eggs sorry

    1. Dead worms encased in mucus, and Yes tapeworm eggs can be seen with naked eye, they look like white rice. Friend's dog had them , we used plastic spoon carefully pick them up put in jar took to Vet who told us tapeworm eggs.

  2. Thanks for writing Anon. Unfortunately parasite eggs (including tapeworm eggs) are not visible without a microscope. They are not present in any of these images

    1. I know this is a little late in coming, but they are most likely looking at the segments. They flatten as they dry and collect around the anus of hairy dogs.

  3. Mucus should dissolve with very hot water. Also, microscope examination of mucus would not reveal any cellular structures. Were these specimens looked at under a microscope ?

  4. Yes, there were no distinct features microscopically

  5. This is not mucus, I suffer from these and they are ropeworms. Search for Kerry Rivera and the MMS protocol who is treating autistic children who also expel these ropeworms. Many adults are reporting these in their stools also, just google ropeworms. These are not, I repeat not mucus and the sooner people in the medical establishment acknowledge them the closer we can get to finding a cure.

    1. Thank you Yes you're right and everybody else on this freaking website is causing people extreme turmoil for denying reality.

    2. Rope worms have yet to be proven, matter of fact there is more proof they don’t exist & I would love to know the name of any dr or scientist claiming they do exist. I’m currently on day 2 of coughing up what is in those pictures. It’s a mucus plug shedding.

    3. I pooped. I discovered long strands of something on the toilet paper. I carefully lifted them off and put them in a little glass. I then rinse them a few times to get all the poo off. Then I put them in some water and took some pictures of them. They had a very mucousy appearance, but they definitely resembled worm. What I noticed quite a few hours later is they nearly practically dissolved being in the water. I understand worms can live in water for quite a long time and stay intact. These dissolved into a tissue mucousy substance so therefore I believe That the doctors on this thread are correct!!

    4. Do check your diet 2-4 days prior to ropeworms appearance. Did you take dietary supplements with gel capsules, or particularly psyllum or Metamucil? Any probiotic supplement?

  6. i coughed something up today that looked exactly like the top picture, on one end it was a bit browned and flattened like the picture and it was very tough i had to rip it apart... you a 100% sure man? just a second reassurance would help alot, thank you!!

  7. FINALLY!! An answer from someone with a scientific background that makes sense and stands up to scrutiny. You've helped lead me much closer to a conclusion regarding the cause of my symptoms that have thus far remained a mystery to me. The overwhelming majority of similar occurrences described by others on various forums are assumed to be various parasites (ROPEWORMS!!) and/or candida, despite a complete lack of empirical data and a consistent disdain for anyone with actual education on the topics at hand.

    I have hitherto been unable to secure the assistance of any professional with knowledge of gastrointestinal issues beyond that of a basic MD, and therefore have been forced to be my own doctor for going on 4 months. That it has taken me this long to find the answer to at least one aspect of my symptoms reflects thE level of disinformation that currently exists on the internet, and the complete lack of medical information submitted by actual experts and supported with comprehensive photographic evidence. That one person who posted here has the audacity to suggest that someone who studies parasites for a living is unaware of such a thing, and need only google it to then become an expert is beyond ridiculous and insulting. I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise given the number of people who consistently ignore the scientific community if it suits their ideology.

    At any rate, I cannot thank you enough for this little post.



    1. THANK YOU!!!..How DARE someone ARGUE with a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL on the strength of a GOOGLE SEARCH!!!... Knowing EXACTLY what those ISSUES are, is a GREAT relief to us...
      Take care...⚘

    2. They dissolve in hot water worms won’t do that!


      I was so glad to read this. I feel so dumb. I guess it's a yin yang issue. The question remains, are you yin or yang?

  8. Thank you, Seventh Cavalier, for the excellent comment. I agree that patient care needs to be based on facts and good science, rather than passion, mis-information and pseudoscience. There is no evidence to support the existence of rope worms, and in fact, all medical investigations of these "rope worms" shows them to be thick aggregates of mucus. Unfortunately, patients that are diagnosed with "rope worms" have a medical condition causing the excess production of mucus and are most likely not receiving the appropriate treatment because of the misdiagnosis.

  9. sorry you are wrong on the rope worm thing, you will learn that later.

  10. Perhaps it is the MMS that causes the Mucus Casts (ropeworms) by irritaion? The ropeworm/MMS connection could be just another another case of the "cure" causing the disease. Look at the practice of liver flushing: it is the practice itself that creates the saponified oil/bile/cholesterol/Mg conglomerates that are expelled. These are created as a result of ingesting the Olive Oil and MgSO4.

    Tertiary syphillis could have been a result of Mercury Poisoning back in the day when Mercury Chloride was used as a "treatment". We all know now that Mercury shouldn't be used for anything except thermometers and barometers. The symptoms of Tertiary Syphillis match closely with those of Mercury Poisoning.

    Magical Mineral Solution (MMS) is a ridiculous name for Aqueous Sodium Chlorite. It is not Magical, nor is it Mineral. This was created either as a scam, or to give alternative medicine a bad reputation. It is effectively doing both, but I am not sure who is behind it besides this Jim Humble guy. I very much doubt that Jim Humble is his real name.

    Thanks for adressing this issue. People need to speak up online so we can help stop the myths from spreading. People are getting rich through some of the most insidious methods imaginable.

  11. Hello, i also noticed some of that on me. But i noticed that the mucus comes ina tubular form, they are perfect tube like, you can see the hole , like a vein, cutted on the ends right... Is that possible to such mucus come out intact like that? Or is this my gut skin im scared...

  12. Hello, i also noticed some of that on me. But i noticed that the mucus comes ina tubular form, they are perfect tube like, you can see the hole , like a vein, cutted on the ends right... Is that possible to such mucus come out intact like that? Or is this my gut skin im scared...

  13. Microscopic features are clearly seen, identified as cells by a microbiologist. You can even see the cell nuclei in Figure 2 here:
    How would you identify whether these cells are human or not?

    1. Man I don’t even know where to start on this one, but I’m not sure I want my “expert” on rope worms to be a a professor or Mechanical Engineering publishing a pithy 5 page report that is has no real reference or actual scientific investigation and is published on a site for open access, self-archived, non-peer reviewed material. Just saying the lack of credibility is astounding.


  14. Unfortunately, Figure 2 in the website you reference shows a lattice-like matrix as can be seen in mucus, and does not contain any evidence of intact cells. I do not wish to be unfairly negative about this report or continue this argument; however, it must be said that this report was not written by a microbiologist (or even general biologist) and it does not provide any evidence for the existence of ropeworms. It is quite unfortunate that this type of misinformation has led to incorrect diagnosis and treatment of patients with other digestive disorders and no evidence of parasites.


  16. Hi Sonia,
    Unfortunately your friend's vet is incorrect. The structures that you can see passed in a dog's stool are tapeworm proglottids (segments) and not the eggs themselves. The eggs really are microscopic - they CANNOT be seen with the naked eye. This may have just been an accidental misstatement by the vet.

    1. You really do not know much about this stuff. Tapeworm eggs are visible to the naked eye. Have you ever been infected with a tapeworm? What? I didn't think so. Do some research (updated research, then comment....

  17. So which worm is the last picture??

  18. Thank you for engaging with the public. There does appear to be a lot of misinformation regarding the subject of mucous strings in stool. Even as a layperson, it seems reasonable to me that many of the images I find of "rope worms" are likely just mucous strings, as they have no identifying biological structures or form. It's startling and atypical to pass one of these, and in the 21 century that can mean taking to the internet for a quick answer.

    I think homepathic self-treatment websites are fueling folks' delusional parasitosis.

    Again, thanks.

  19. These are anaerobic intestinal parasites. They don't have a cuticle but a tegument. They are also hermaphroditic so they don't have reproductive organs. There is no larval stage. They also have no single digestion tube but take in excrement and digest it within the length of the rope channel. They live in most humans. They use gas bubbles for propulsion so they make you farty and bloated, especially at night. Have fun with colonics for this one.

  20. There are plenty, I'd say a MAJORITY of western trained healthcare professionals that would like to brush the whole subject of "rope worms", aka, "human rope worms" under the rug IF THEY ARE EVEN REMOTELY AWARE of them. However, for those of you still interested in life based in REALITY, (NOT DELUSIONS!), below is a list of resources, (1 video, 2 pdf's) taken from a body of work done by a panel of scientists that published their white papers through Cornell University. (Live links to Cornell publications are found on pdf's).

    And for those of you in healthcare who may still be interested in learning....rethink your vocabulary. Giving a diagnosis of "Delusions of Parasitosis" is very very lazy, and makes you sound dated, (after all, we're not talking about Morgellons at the moment, right?). Healthcare professionals should at the very least retain curiosity all their career, let alone a desire to relieve suffering. And if you listen to the video below, you will hear for yourself, these parasites are far from harmless.

    Human Rope Worms: Patented Removal Methods
    Nikolay Gubarev

    Human anaerobic intestinal "rope" parasites:

    Development stages of the “rope” human intestinal parasites:

  21. A youtube video and a non-peer reviewed white paper submitted by the author to the Cornell maintained (simply a repository for articles, the contents of which are not necessary associated with the university and certainly NOT considered "published" by them) are not compelling evidence of any new species of parasite, and cannot be considered primary sources. These are the facts.

    My opinion on the other hand after reading these two documents: they are absolutely crazy. The authors seem very fond of jumping to conclusions throughout their work with little to no description of their methodology. While they describe 5 distinct life cycles for rope worms, they neglect to describe any method used to observe these chronological transitions. They talk about “suction bubbles” which I could find no reference to in any other scholarly article, and how they somehow become suction cup heads. Again, without any description of how they observed this. They talk about the color of the “worms” being influenced by diet without any references. Rope parasites emit gas and “move by jet propulsion”... Really? Jet propulsion. Without muscles. How did they reach this conclusion?

    If this were a real, peer reviewed publication, appearing in an established medical journal, it would be much more substantial. If the intention is to announce an entirely new taxonomy of parasite the authors would be careful to communicate all methods used in collecting their samples, the number of samples, general demographic data of the donors, all the quantitative data, etc... it certainly wouldn't be a 6 or 7 page paper.

    This is irresponsible misinformation masquerading as a reputable source.

  22. The audacity of some of these commenters!
    Thank you for your case review. It's appreciated, as is your work, Dr. Pritt.

  23. Wow, I'm just baffled by close mindedness of some people saying that it can't be real because articles are not peer reviewed and authors are not medical professionals. In order to create and explore something new you have to get past the authority and conventional model most of the times. If you have this very hard to treat infection which is probably community of some single celled organisms evolving into one being and hiding from immunity into the biofilm you would know for sure it's real at least because:
    1) intense rotten fish smell, smells like pure death
    2) when it's dead/disintegrated and all the contents are out in your colon you will feel like never before in your life - intense confusion, acute suicidal depression, hives, lethargy and mind agitation at the same time, joint pain and more. Everything disappears the moment it leaves your body
    3) Suction cups, they are real. Like you can touch them and it's not mucus it's a meat like structure.
    Lots of people around the world are suffering beyond imagination, are misunderstood and laughed at by society and medical community and all they simply want is help because they are infected and their blood is full of cytokines and toxins. I can't believe we are heading towards creating an AI but this is happening in 2019. Chronic Lyme #2

  24. In 2019 there positively indeed does exist a closedmindedness problem with the medical establishment in the US.... and that problem is that doctors are conditioned and taught throughout their formal education and even long into their medical practice afterwards that "weird" or rare human parasites simply don't happen in the USA because we're such a civilized and advanced 1st world country, or that some specific little critter that's necessary to be an intermediate host of a parasite isn't present in this country. Well, it's time to wake up. There have been a lot of parasites brought here thanks to global commerce and travel, especially those that are responsible for what is often referred to as "Neglected Tropical Diseases". These parasites have existed for millions of years, and they didn't get here by rigidly adhering to, without any exceptions, to one single life and reproductive cycle that some researcher elucidated almost a century ago and published a paper that was propagated into and absorbed into the official body of knowledge of western medicine as "the sole fact, etched in stone forever" about that parasite, and no officially recognized publication today can be found that says "waitaminute, there's a little bit more to this parasite's story than we thought we knew, and it's an eye-opener". A parasite that's been around for millions of years is still around today because it has the ability to adapt. A particular species of snall that only exist in Asia and nowhere found in the natural habitat in continental USA isn't gonna stop some trematode from eventually being able to substitute one of our domestic snails instead, or as some researchers in a certain western European country are freaking out about about what appears to be a new or mutated strain of S.haematobium... skipping the snail entirely and completing its entire, complex, multi-stage reproductive cycle within a single human victim* and it's also been observed to be sexually transmissible from human to human via ova in semen in vaginal or anal intercourse, and suspected to be transmissible via oral sex as well. Understandably, there seems to be a shortage of disease-free human volunteers willing to participate in a double-blind research experiment to gather data for any research paper, especially given that from already-infected victims, the concomitant infection rate of HIV is staggeringly large. Having urogenital schistosomiasis from this particular nasty trematode worm appears to supercharge the ability of an HIV exposure to quickly take hold and flourish in the body, likely due to the immune system suppressing and sabotaging substances the trematode makes to thwart the immune system from attacking itself.

    (sarcasm) Nice, huh? (/sarcasm)
    Continued into next reply

  25. Back to my original gripe... Western medicine is woefully undereducated,undertrained, under-experienced, and under-equipped to effectively diagnose and treat parasitic infestations of helminths. There's been such a culture of "this exotic stuff _never_ happens here because we're the United States, the most advanced 1st world nation on the planet, and we're too good for nasty 3rd world parasites" ingrained into the mindset of the medical establishment. It doesn't help that legacy blood, urine and stool sample lab tests seem to notoriously come back giving false negatives, so the doctor answers the patient with hubris instead of help. "It's all in your head", "Nothing's wrong with you, you're imagining this", etc, seems to be way too common of an experience for patients across the nation. Yes , there are likely a lot of "imagined parasite" cases, but it is a real problem when that becomes the standard default treatment received by patients who really are infested with scary little monsters. Let me tell you, it really wakes up a doctor and gets his full undivided attention when you set a jar full of denaiured alcohol shitwater and several dozen dead intestinal flukes on his desktop after doing one of those herbal dewormer treatments. "Fasciolopsis Buski (or I sure hope that's what it is, not something worse) doesn't occur in the US, it's an Asian problem" is the stock answer. I've never been outside of the US in my life, I rarely leave Texas for travel to any other state except Oklahoma, 14 miles from my home (casinos are just across the Red River bridge for popular weekend entertainment and foolishly throwing money away). The FDA approved medications and doses/regimens published in all the official references and data sheets here are also woefully behind the times and inadequate here too. I'd expelled between 500-800 dead flukes from herbal treatments alone. After my first round of two days of Praziquantel, I gave anal birth to a litter of about 1000-1200 more of these little bastards, thankfully all stillborn, lol! According to everything I've learned about these things over the past couple months, that constitutes a "heavy worm load infestation", perhaps even "astronomical worm load of epic Biblical proportions". I probably should've been hospitalized, but I don't want to die in our hospital, which has a bad reputation for botched treatments and patients leaving in large blue ziplock bags in the back end of a black Suburban with landau bars on the rear side windows. I was still functioning mostly OK, but with bad gastrointestinal distress symptoms. The standard treatment for F.buski is one single day's dosing with PZQ. Doctor gave me two days dosing, which made a serious dent in them, but didn't eliminate them all. The drugs themselves made me feel sick enough by themselves, but the nastiness released from such a large worm die-off and my immune system reaction to that was "really special indeed". I'm swear I'm gonna have PTSD from this experience. I still cannot fathom how in the hell could that many, some shockingly large, flukes have been living inside my intestines without me feeling and functioning a million times worse than I did? (continued into 3rd reply)


  26. (part 3 of 3)
    It boggles my mind, no, actually it doesn't anymore, is that this is the 21st century with the greatest informational and educational resources in all human history, available at our fingertips, that the medications and dosing information are so behind the times and insufficient for effectively treating these things. The rest of the world has already figured out how to deal with them much more effectively and their accumulated knowledge is freely available. The FDA just finally got around to approving triclabendazole in February of 2019. The rest of the world has been using it for decades, safely and effectively, in fact so much that resistance to the drug is already becoming an issue, and we're finally just beginning to getting around to include it in our pharmacopeia of officially permitted medications. The Chinese (of course have big time helminth parasite problems right in their front yard) developed tribendimidine and approved it for human medical treatment more than a decade ago, and it's proven to be quite safe and incredibly effective on many different types of helminth infestations that the best drugs that were around before, had only limited effectiveness. The rest of the world jumped onto this discovery and have included it in their anti-helminth arsenal too, but our medical establishment, which in regards to these kinds of parasites, is horribly broken and needs fixed asap, because these "neglected tropical parasite diseases" are no longer rare, and they're not just restricted to happening only in other parts of the world either. They're not rare, they're widespread, and they're not just elsewhere and only in tropical environments. They're here. Right Now. And they're a problem that cannot be ignored and neglected anymore. I am living (still.... thankfully) proof of that. Anybody want a jar full of shitwater alcohol and dead intestinal flukes as proof? I've got several. Maybe I should to sell them (that's a joke really) since Praziquantel costs $150 for just six pills, which is insanely and stupidly ridiculously overpriced since I could buy 100 grams of pure praziquantel powder for $60 off the internet.
    I'll get off my soapbox now since I have to go and pick up my overpriced meds at the pharmacy, which had to be special ordered btw, can you believe even the largest pharmacies in this city don't even keep praziquantel as a stocked medication? Gonna start round #2 and doc wants me to take 40mg/kg per day and 4 days duration this time. I wanted 75mg/kg per day and run that for 14 days. I think that repeated subcurative doses are a very bad idea. Thoughts?

  27. Oh, and I forgot to say why I detest using the word "host" for parasites..... "Host" gives a connotation that I'm cheerfully giving my welcoming hospitality. Well (f-word) that (s-word)!!!!
    I'm not a host, I'm a freakin' VICTIM of these sorry little mf'ing monsters. That's what they really are: monsters.
    Every living organism that they invade and the exploit is a victim, not a host.

    /Rant Off

    Have a good weekend everybody.... I'm not. I have to toxify my body once again with a heinous chemical to try to defeat this army of invading monsters.

    1. I totally agree with you. I have been sick for 22 months and cannot get a dianoste a referel nothing. Lost my farm and most of my family. I know what test need to be done. Dr. Refuses. I'm glad we have independently labs.

  28. Well Miss Ruby, that all sounds absolutely terrible and I have no reason to doubt you’re suffering from the helminth infestation you claim. It doesn’t seem at all unreasonable to assume that geography isn’t the hindrance it once was to pathogens of all sorts.

    My comments aren’t necessarily an endorsement or condemnation of “western medicine”, although they appear to have been triggering to some other commenters. If anything I would defend the scientific method itself, it’s the best thing we have to rely on to explain the world around us. The original post features images of mucous casts which some identify as a mysterious “rope worm” and so far, there hasn’t been any credible evidence to support this.

  29. Yes, I understand the "rope worm" is not a real worm and is mostly an imagination run wild in an uneducated person, but I can easily believe many of those people could have some kind of actual real helminth parasite chronic infection that is not getting diagnosed or treated properly and they are wasting time, money, and precious dwindling health off on a foolish ropeworm chase while a real infection that's gaining momentum isn't getting acknowledged because the patient's doctor thinks the patient is a kook.

    On a different note, my nightmare just got worse. The flukes I've been expelling have been compacted up together, inside wads of greenish yellow tangled fibrous, plant-like in appearance material. At first I thought this was perhaps some kind of mucoid plaque material or structures secreted by the flukes as part of their defenses, since it's all in irregular shapes, diameters, lengths. Well one piece separated out and I washed it clean in denatured alcohol and examined it with a bright flashlight and a big magnifying glass. To my horror I saw that it's half of a schistosome. half of a mated pair, the anterior half... the tail end half of the pair has been broken off. The suckers on both the male and female heads are clearly visible with a magnifying glass and bright light. I cannot determine the exact species though. It's clearly a schistosome though, but doesn't exactly match the example pics of any of the common human-infecting schistosomes found on the web. I must have expelled several hundreds of those two. I'm genuinely frightened now. I'm not even sure the flukes I have are F.Buski anymore. They don't look exactly like the example pics either, and they appear to be in some kind of relationship with the schistosomes, since I've found small schistosomes inside the rotting carcasss of dead flukes in my stool, and it appears that the schistosomes might be coming out of the "tailpipe" many of the dead flukes have in my stool, which is also greenish-yellow, fibrous, and easiky broken off the body of the fluke. I hope to god that I don't have some wierd new undocumented hybrid mutant worms that the schistosome is able to utilize a fascioloid trematode and vice versa in lieu of a snail as an intermediate host, and thus able to reproduce completely inside a single victim.... or something like that

    1. Looking for follow up: Ruby: did you eradicate the infection?

  30. Sugar is what feeds these lil s.o.b's and there is sugar in EVERYTHING INCLUDING MILK!

  31. I have seen different clients who are not deworming dogs. Some of them explain by giving shoddy explanations such as the dog is living indoors and it doesn’t get exposed. Some others explain that deworming was done a couple of months ago, some up to 3 years ago and others say that they haven’t seen a sign- Worms In Dog Stool.

  32. Indeed intestinal mucous, or damaged intestinal lining.

    This will also occur after passing psyllium (Metamucil, et al) taken for bowel regularity, which create gelatinous strings. This has also been reported by users of ivermectin overdose (horse dose, which is above the mg/kg of the human). Tints of blood may also be seen due to hemorrhoids, or black if intestinal bleeding.

    1. Oooooh that explains so much! I've been using a lot of Metamucil lately too, so that further explains why these buggers showed up out of nowhere. Thanks for the clarification!

  33. Addendum: Often this is a case of hypochondriac behaviour. The worm issue is aggravated by the self medication, and taking supplements and odd remedies without knowledge of the AI or excipients, usually in excessive amounts.

    Hence the patient could be taking carboxymethyl cellulose, binders, emulsifying agents, alginates, cellulose, wax, corn starch, stearates, silicones, color/dye, et al. I'll let you do the due diligence.

    Hypochondriacs will not tell/divulge their 'sideline' intake, as they feel the supplement is natural, and not medicinal. Witness the rows upon rows of so called supplements at BJ's, Sam's Club, Costco and worse of all, at your local pharmacy. -= Pharmacien/Parfumeur, R.Ph. =-

  34. For several years now I have noticed (on and off) rope like structures present in my poo / stool exactly like photo 1 !! Photo 1 is like I've taken the picture of mine, the similarity is un believable - right down to the brown strands.
    I've searched for a long time for a similar picture. My GP has no idea what this is. I'm keeping an open mind as to what this is, but thanks for your findings re microscope investigation. Was the microscope investigation on the Photo 1 sample?

  35. Hi Scott,
    I'm glad you are keeping an open mind. These photos show the varied appearances of mucus strands - commonly seen in patients with underlying GI disorders (e.g., constipation, malabsorption, etc.). To answer your questions, yes, a microscopic exam was performed on each of the specimens, and proved them to be just mucus and intermixed inflammatory cells.
    I hope this helps.

  36. Phew! Had one of these come out of me today, and like you said, the superficial resemblance to a worm was uncanny at first glance. It really made me feel better, seeing that those that have been found are shown to be mucus strands, which make sense given in prone to lifelong, horrible constipation. It runs in the family.

    Thank you for putting my mind at ease! At first I was inclined to not listen as I was convinced otherwise, but that's the beautiful thing about science; that hypothesis are provable (or destroyed) by the use of metrics and empirical evidence. I can breathe easy knowing I'm all good (relatively speaking haha)

  37. Additional thinking/data: If eating very acid material, e.g. Any vinegar, acidic material, et al. The bile may not be able to properly neutralize the stomach acids.... so gelatinous strings may occur. This is very variable depending on the intake, but a possibility. We are a closed eco/chemical system in equilibrium. Changes in intake, will affect normal processes.

  38. What is your point "Anonymous"? Did you read the conclusion of the article link you posted?:

    ... everything that has been written about rope worms is arrant pseudoscientific merde de taureau.

  39. Carolyn Thrives on ResearchFebruary 27, 2024 at 2:24 AM

    See unanimous post around this time mentioning these are called “rope worms” though they are not parasites. I just forgot to declare a name and can’t edit the post while it is pending approval.

  40. ref > . . . THEY ARE SLOWLY TAKING OVER. WAIT N SEE (typr case, sic)
    I better not hold my breath. BTW, are you using a Commodore 64?
