Sunday, June 7, 2015

Case of the Week 352

The following structures were seen in a hematoxylin and eosin-stained perianal skin biopsy from an Ethiopian man with recurrent colorectal fistulae and abscesses.  Presumptive identification? What study would you recommend to confirm your diagnosis?

100x total magnification

200x total magnification

 400x total magnification


  1. The objects are morphologically suggestive of nematodes cross sections, possibly hook worm or Strongyloides stercoralis in an auto infection. O&P examinations of fecal material are suggested.

    Florida Fan

  2. Schistosoma mansoni egg?

  3. I was thinking Schistosoma ova as well. Lee

  4. Looks great for Schistosomiasis!- Jen

  5. My vote is for Schistosoma mansoni.

  6. Last two images have the lateral spine visible

  7. I like for S mansoni too. Probably would do both stool O&P x several and serology depending on treatment history. [Most efficient testing I suspect is actually to ask a Pritt or similar actually and just treat.]

  8. S.mansoni ova is the only thing that I feel it is reasonably likely to be. Bodies residing within granulomatous tissue, with a lateral spine (presumably) present on image 4; morphology is vaguely consistent but not definitive. Epidemiology is consistent as is presentation. Quite a tricky one to sign off.
