Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Case of the Week 406

This week's case was generously donated by Dr. Kamran Kadkhoda. This arthropod was found on a young girl near Winnipeg, in Manitoba, Canada.



  1. American Dog Tick, Dermacentor variabilis, adult

  2. Long time admirer, first time writer. I have been following the marvelous pictures on your blog since 29x, and after over 100 pictures that leave my mondays with a sense of bewildering amazement, I finally decided to dig a bit deeper as I could at least see it was a tick. I found a very similar image that states the tick is an Adult male Wood Tick, Dermacentor variabilis, (aka Dog Tick, American Dog Tick), which sure seems to hang around in Manitoba.

    Thank you so much for sharing this, I am but a bystander in the parasitology scene, but your pictures show me the visual side to the audio of TWiP.

  3. Not sure if this is customary on your site, but I found this article helpful, so I thought I'd share it here. http://www.wrha.mb.ca/healthinfo/news/2012/120525-blacklegged-tick-identification.php

  4. Could be Dermacentor andersoni given location.

  5. Look at the spiracular plates

  6. Very nice case of Dermacentor. We do not have the expertise of species identification and would refer this task to an entomologist.

    Florida Fan

  7. On the subject of genus identification of ticks, we found the schematic drawings of CDC very useful and so far have helped us cope with our daily need and staff development.

    Florida Fan

  8. Florida Fan - could you please leave a link to the CDC drawings if available. Looking for good identification tools for ticks on rodents in India.

  9. I feel that the spiracular plate image is not good enough for me to ID if this is D. variablis or D. andersoni morphologically. Both species are found in Manitoba, but D. variabilis is far more abundant (comprising 11/12 Dermacentor submission in this passive surveillance study:

    J Med Entomol. 2013 May;50(3):510-20.
    Range expansion of Dermacentor variabilis and Dermacentor andersoni (Acari: Ixodidae) near their northern distributional limits.
    Dergousoff SJ1, Galloway TD, Lindsay LR, Curry PS, Chilton NB.

  10. SAjjam,
    I stumbled on these drawings in color while searching:
    www.cdc.gov/public health image library/ticks.
    May be Blaine Matthison can give us all a better way.
    I believe that this was a training material and as such, it is excellent.

    Florida Fan

  11. Spiracular plates are indeed helpful!
