Monday, September 12, 2016

Case of the Week 413

Greetings from China! This week's lovely case is from Dr. Valerie Ng, from USCF. The following images are from a stool Gram stain.



  1. Wonderful photos of Giardia lamblia, or G. intestinalis, or G. duodenalis... take your pick.

    Michigan Micro

  2. Nice case of Giardiasis. The trophozoites can be stained with various stains, including Giemsa and Wright Stain. Perhaps this is the easiest to identify protozoan under the microscope, though at times we must think of it in terms of three dimensional view or we may miss a positive finding since they do not always lay flat like the pictures in the books.

    Florida Fan

  3. Very nicely stained Giardia trophozoites. Infection is usually by ingestion of the cyst suspended in water. We used to get told by our diagnostics lecturer, John Williams, that the typical route of infection in the UK is hill-walkers drinking from mountain streams, as there is a lot of run off from hilly areas where sheep often graze. Since Giardia in young sheep is particularly common, the cysts will be deposited in the faeces and washed into streams to be consumed by the thirsty hiker! Something to be mindful of for people who enjoy the mountains.

  4. Cute little giardia lamblia trophozoite look like little ghost

  5. So cute a creature with eyes and nose. Giardia babe.
