Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Case of the Week 418

This week's case is from a young man from Africa with fevers. No further travel history is available. The following are images from peripheral blood preparations. Identification?

Unstained blood, Knott's concentration, 10x objective (100x total magnification):

Unstained blood, 40x (400x total):

Thick film, Giemsa, 50x (500x total):

Thick film, Giemsa, 100x (1000x total):


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Long time no see. This microfilaria appears sheathed, this narrows the choice to only three: W. Bancroft, Loa Loa and B. malayi. The sheath did not stain pink, the patient did not come from SE Asia nor Polynesia eliminating B.malayi. The column of nuclei extends all the way to the end of the tail and this differentiate the microfilaria from W. bancrofti. We have the last one as the choice: Loa Loa.

    Florida Fan

  3. Low loa by clinical history, region of acquisition, fact that is sheathed like Wuchereria but contains nuclei all way to terminus of tail.
