Monday, May 7, 2018

Case of the Week 493

It's time for our monthly case from Idzi Potters and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp.

The mother of a 5 year-old Belgian patient brought in a small worm-like structure (measuring 12 mm in length) along with a fecal sample. Microscopic examination of the worm-like structure using low power magnification revealed the following:
Anterior end:
A direct wet mount was made from the stool sample. The structures that are found in the wet mount are shown in following image and videoclips.
Check out these cool videos (you may need to press play twice)


  1. Pin worm - Enterobius vermicularis

  2. Agree, note the alae (I think that is the term for the wing like structures next to the mouth on the adult worm) and then the characteristic D shaped egg.

  3. Enterobius vermicularis , female (pinworm)

  4. Enterobius vermicularis: egg is oblong with flatter side. adult has a very tapered tail ending in a pin.

  5. Enterobius vermicularis eggs and female adult worm according to size of about 12 mm and anterior end morphology showing alae and bulbar esophagus

  6. A classic case of anal pruritus, the cephalic alae, typical esophageal build and a flattened sided egg, all point to the usual culprit being Enterovirus vermicularis female.
    Florida Fan.

  7. Did you all see the video clips? They're really neat! For some reason you have to click on them twice to get them to play on my computer. I'll upload them to YouTube if others are having this same problem.

  8. Certainly Dr. Pritt, the larva is moving inside the egg. The second video clip also shows a swimming larva, most likely newly hatched. This is perhaps the best example of an autoinfection by hatching and re-entry of larvae up the excretory path.
    Florida Fan

  9. Yes, classic Enterobius vermicularis. I cannot add anything that has not already been said. Nice pics.

  10. Exactly the decorations on Blaine's costume last Halloween. What a coincidence.
    Florida Fan
