Monday, July 22, 2019

Case of the Week 553

This week's (interesting but somewhat disturbing) case was generously donated by Dr. José A. T. Poloni. The following was submitted from a fresh (unfixed) stool specimen. Most likely identification?


  1. Limited view, but from the tapered ends I'd vote for ascaris.

  2. My vote goes to Ascaris based on what I can see. Would possibly formalise one of the worms and check the anterior end for lips. Also would take some of the faeces specimen and concentrate for evidence of eggs to confirm.

  3. What a lively video, the Ascaris is alive and moving. Judging from the size, it seems to be a female though we cannot be so sure. Ascaris adults can be so active as they can come out through the mouth or the nose of the patient, (gross!!!) but true. In heavy infections the patient can harbor over two hundred of these, a major clean up for the surgeon. Perhaps this is the most common parasite in the world.
    Florida Fan

  4. I also agree with Ascaris lumbricoides.

  5. Looks like Ascaris to me.

  6. This is insane and fascinating. I wish you I could search your blog by parasite name, i was looking to see blastocysts.

  7. Hi Salty Surfer Girl - you CAN search, even though it is not very user friendly. Use the search bar in the upper left hand corner of the page to type in Blastocystis. This will bring you to the cases in which the answer mentions Blastocystis (e.g. Answer to Case 437). You can then search again to get Question portion of the case (for example, search for "437" to find the full case). Hope this makes sense!
