Monday, December 2, 2019

Case of the Week 571

Welcome to the first case of the month, a regular feature by Idzi Potters and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. The following objects were seen in an unstained duodenal aspirate specimen. Identification?


  1. Giardia lamblia (intestinalis)trophozoite. In the excellent videos you can see the typical movement of this parasite.

  2. Agree, trophozoite Giardia intestinalis


  3. Giardia duodenalis (= intestinalis), trophozoite

  4. It is a Giardia lamblia/intestinalis trophozoite.
    Awesome picture and videos.

  5. I can see why some people likened the motion of Giardia lamblia trophozoites to that of falling leaves in the fall. The motility is further enhanced by dark field videography, this makes everything more interesting.
    Florida Fan

  6. Hello from Germany,

    first I want to say thank you to Dr. Pritt for sharing all these helpful information with us. I know that it´s a lot of work to keep a website running and you put lots of effort and love into this one. THANK YOU :)
    I agree with the others: This is a throphozoite of Giardia intestinalis. The two nuclei are clear visible in the picture and the falling leaf movement is typical.

  7. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was delighted when he took a look
    at his own watery stool
    Seeing For the very first time

    “ Bellies flatlike with bodies furnisht with sundry little paws.
    Making quick motion with these paws, yet for all that, they made but slow progress yet a-moving very prettily.”

    Giardia Hoo

  8. beautiful Giardia duodenalis trophozoite! The video shows the classic "tumbling" motility, which after doing some research I found out is actually very precise. I thought the information was interesting and wanted to share a summary with everyone:

    After excystation in the small intestine, the trophozoites quickly swim towards the epithelium and attach forming a monolayer; this contributes to the pathology and allows the parasite to escape the turbulent flow of the small intestine and continue the life cycle in the human host.
    To achieve this, it uses a combination of movements involving its four pairs of flagella as well as its caudal region, and it is able to switch its motility from "free swimming" in the intestinal lumen, which is more rapid, to a "pre-attachment" pace which is slower and more stable, facilitating effective attachment to the intestinal epithelium in the desired location to form a monolayer.

    Great image and videos! Thank you for sharing!
