Monday, December 23, 2019

Case of the Week 574

Happy Holidays to all of my readers! Can anyone tell me who this little arthropod is?


  1. Cimex lectularius (subspecies Santaclausus)

  2. Dashing through the sheets
    on six segmented feet
    O'er the pillows they go
    sucking blood all the way
    lap lap lap

    Pointed beak goes down
    after you turn off the lights
    oh what fun it is to suck
    blood from a host tonight

    Oh, bed bugs suck
    bed bugs suck
    bed bugs suck your blood
    Just be glad
    they don't spread disease
    or any nasty crud!

  3. This is what makes it hard for the children to sleep tonight! Their beds have bugs. Bed bug bugged bed so it goes, even the sheep count does not work when the bed has bugs.
    Cimex lectularius why do you bug us?
    Why can't you take a flight with your cousin the bat bug?
    Your blood is warm and succulent and I have acrophobia,
    In this Joyous Season, can I give you a hug?
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
    Florida Fan

  4. We just finished celebrating my daughters birthday (winters solstice) it was a god time for all. However it wasn't that way some 40 years ago. As we put Heidi to bed in her crib we told her to "sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite"

    Heidi immediately jumped into our arms screaming," Bugs in bed, bugs in bed, Get me out of here now"

    Despite our bad parenting Heidi became a talented, strong, independent individual,


  5. Big fleas have little fleas
    Upon their backs to bite' em
    And little fleas have lesser fleas
    And so, ad infinitum

    (Filastrocca di Jonathan Swift)

  6. Cimex santaclarius ;-)
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!
    And an extra big thank you to Dr. Pritt for another year of wonderful parasite cases!

  7. From Spain, Merry Christmas! To all friends. Especially for dr. Pritt "alma mater" of this blog.

  8. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!

  9. look! it's the seasonal holiday bed bug! (they're usually gone after January 6th...) Happy Holidays to all!
