Monday, February 17, 2020

Case of the Week 581

This week's case was donated by Theodore Trejo. The following were seen in skin scrapings collected from a middle-aged man complaining of itching. The motile objects measure approximately 0.3 mm in length. Identification?
View on full-screen for best visibility:


  1. I wonder whether the man scratched his head to give us this picture perfect Demodex folliculorum.
    Florida Fan

  2. In the video clip, I see 6 specimens of Demodex folliculorum (two of them embedded in the follicle). According to the length of their body, they are most probably the nymphal stages.

  3. Indeed Demodex folliculorum.
    Nice photo and video material!

  4. That is a Demodex folliculorum. Nice video


    This micromite is called Demodex
    It can be found in many acarology text

    Not designed to move very far
    8 stubby legs and the shape of a cigar

    It dwells in the follicles of old ones brow
    And if you didn’t know this by now

    Usually nonpathogenic but occasionally is thought
    To cause rosacea however this theory is fraught

    with controversy. We have only to thank Herr Dr. Jake Henie
    Who discovered this mini monster dwelling within Thee

  6. Nice poem Old One.
    Florida Fan

  7. I recently started to get interested in parasites. I have a great video quality of demodex. Im just not sure how to upload it here.
