Monday, December 14, 2020

Case of the Week 618

 This week's case features some photos from a cool histopathology case I found in my archives. The source is "large single liver cyst". Identification? What cool things do you see in these images?


  1. Echinococcus granulosus. Daughter cysts, Hydatid sand (immature protoscolices), hydatid hooklets. Photos beautifully taken.

  2. Wow, we can clearly see the protoscolices and the hooklets. I would call it Echinococcus sp, hydatid cysts. As far as the exact species, I would let the pathologists decide.
    Florida Fan

  3. Lovely Echinococcus sp
    Hooklets, mother, daughter cyst. It looks like the protoscoleces are still attached by their "umbilical cord" so to speak which shows the generative role of the inner layer of the mother cyst. And lots of hydatid sand. Very cool!

  4. amazing photos, very clear and diagnostic quality! All elements are identifiable and relevant, thank you so much for your postings

  5. Echinococcus spp., protoscolices. Bellissime foto!
