Monday, March 29, 2021

Case of the Week 632

 This week's case has a fun little twist. The following structures were seen within the mucosa in an intestinal biopsy (hematoxylin and eosin stained) of a patient in sub-Saharan Africa. The largest of these measured >120 micrometers long.

Then there was this...


  1. I guess it's Schistosoma mansoni egg. In pic 1 there is lateral spine, I think.

  2. Upper 2 pictures seems like eggs, Schistosoma is a good candidate because of outer shape. The third photo? I do not really know.

  3. While my knowledge of clinical pathology is almost null, the structures do not seem to have the morphological details of parasites. We usually have a saying in the lab:”No head, no tail, no parasite”. We are anxiously awaiting for an educational session.
    Florida Fan

  4. Agree that the first two photos depict eggs in the mucosa and that image 1 looks like a lateral spine, all this pointing to S. mansoni. Image 3 shows a longitudinal section of a fluke with a ventral sucker, most likely an adult S. mansoni out for a stroll.

  5. Agree with Schistosoma mansoni eggs and adult.

  6. Consistent with Schistosoma mansoni

  7. Image 3, miracidium ?

  8. Third image does not appear to be an egg as seen in the other two photos. Is it possibly a (sort of) sagittal section of an adult female?
