Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Case of the Week 657

This week's case features a Giemsa-stained thin blood film from a patient with recent travel to India. Identification? For a BONUS, can you list the different stages in images 1-4 below?


  1. Utterly gorgeous, classic vivax ring, trophozoites, schizont with >12 merozoites, and gametocyte. Wowza.

  2. Wow is right! How often do we have a case with all the stages? Perhaps not very often. This is from my observation:
    1/ The ring is fairly large, and the infected red cell is larger than the not infected. As such, there is a predilection for reticulocytes. Either P. vivax or P. ovale.
    2/ The mature trophozoites are ameboid form, showing them to be highly Vivacious. There is a “shy away” trait of the infected red cell. More than likely P. vivax.
    3/ The schizont in the third picture demonstrates more than twelve merozoites, P. ovale does not have that many.
    4/ The gametocyte in the fourth picture is not Falciform, it occupies almost the entire red cell. Though there is a little bit of fimbriation, all evidence gathered so far including the geographic area are consistent with an identification of P. vivax.
    We can conclude that there has been no simian involvement as there was no arboreal canopy activities reported.
    Florida Fan

  3. Young and mature trophozoites, schizont and gametocyte of Plasmodium vivax,

  4. Plasmodium vivax. Fig 1, Young trophozoite; Fig 2, Mature trophozoites; Fig. 3, Mature schizont; Fig. 4, Gametocyte (aparently macrogametocyte)

  5. Totally agree with everyone. Great photos, by the way.
    Luis H.

  6. Thank you all prestigious valuable information 00201017583518

  7. Plasmodium vivax : trofozoiti, schizonti, gametociti.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful case and photos!

    It looks like Fig 1. trophozoite Fig 2. Schizont with immature merozoites

    fig3. Schizont with mature merozoites fig 4 gametocyte

  9. I think its Plasmodium vivax with enlarged red cells, ameboid shape cytoplasm and
    schufnor's dots.
    first early trophozoite
    second late trophozoite
    third schizonts and the fourth one Gametocyte.
