Sunday, October 30, 2022

Case of the Week 700

 Dear Readers, I can't believe that I am celebrating my 700th post! In honor of this day, I am featuring the image that started it all - my 'mascot' of sorts. Can anyone tell me what this is? 


  1. Pediculus humanus capitis. Judging by the size of the pincers, I believe that it’s a male one.
    Congratulations Dr. Pritt on this milestone.
    Florida Fan

  2. Actually, after scratching my head a few times, I think it’s female. The male one has a a larger and more laterally extended “thumb”.
    Thank you Dr. Pritt for all your teaching.
    Florida Fan

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd say this was Pediculus humanis capitis. We'll done on reaching your 700th post! The blog is a weekly read for me. It's really helped my laboratory parasitology training over the years. Congratulations from the UK.


  5. Pediculus humanus capitis. I’ll follow Florida fan with the “thumbs”: wildguessing it is a female…
    Many congrats on your 700th post Dr. Pritt! Your blog is wonderful! Awesome work! I’ve learned a lot from your blog!

  6. Mechanized Dandruff

  7. Reading my copy of the National Geographic where you are resourced. Congratulations on making us all more aware of our parasitic Earth Travelors.

  8. Thank you all! I couldn't do it without you. Your comments, contributed cases and support over the year continue to inspire me, and I always learn something from each case.

  9. Surely Old One means weaponized dandruff!
