Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Case of the Week 715

This week's interesting case was donated by Dr Mike Mitchell and his fantastic parasitology experts, Laura Derderian, Gwen Kee, and Brie Ray. The specimen below was submitted to the laboratory for evaluation of a possible parasite after being found in a 19 month girl's diaper. Identification? What is the significance to the patient?


  1. Looks like a cockroach egg sac (ootheca)

  2. Filled with nymphs

  3. Nice! Never saw that before!
    For sure an ootheca; not per se from a cockroach - some other insects (like mantice) produce these too.
    Thanks for sharing! I learn more every time!

  4. The shape and size is compatible with an egg sac of a roach. I have not seen this in a patient, yet considering the age of the patient this is a toddler and may have ingested accidentally. Very unusual case indeed.
    Florida Fan

  5. Ooteca di Insetto
    Sir Galahad

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