Monday, December 16, 2019

Case of the Week 573

This week's case is Dr. Charles (Chuck) Sturgis. He noted the following structures on a Papanicolaou-stained anal Pap smear (performed for cancer screening). They measure approximately 14 micrometers in length. Identification?


John Markantonis DO said...

Giardia cysts

Anonymous said...

Definitely Giardia lamblia cysts. The nuclei, axiostyle and parabasal body.
Florida Fan

Sir Galahad said...

Giardia duodenalis ( = intestinalis) cysts.

Anonymous said...

According to my predecessors. Giardia lamblia (=intestinalis) cysts. Nice photos of a good stain.

Leandro Buffoni said...

They look like Giardia lamblia cysts.

Santiago said...

Giardia duodenalis cysts in a very interesting specimen!

Anonymous said...

Back in the day when we were still using monocular scopes for class demonstrations and we didn't have a Giardia IFA to diagnose that fun time critter. We had a student come visit after a long hiking trip in the Sierra's. He had come down with GI problems. Going through regular channels his fecal sample end up at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Knowing this was most likely a parasite issue he came to my lab, Within 15 minutes we hade set up the ZnSO4 centrifugal flotation test. and we could see fields of Giardia cysts. I took another month for the MDH to ID the Giardia.