Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Case of the Week 731

 The following objects were seen in fluid aspirated from a cyst in the liver. Identification?

Some were still moving!


Creepy not wonderful said...

It's Echinococcosis spp but I don't know if you can tell between granulosus and multilocularis without knowing the history. Also, the protoscolex reminds me of the facehugger from Alien vs Predator. :0

Anonymous said...

Such a finding like this is so rarely encountered. What springs into my mind is that these are protoscoleces in a hydatid cyst. The invaginated hooklets are clearly visible. Thank you Dr. Pritt for the beautiful find, this reminds us that the disease though rarely found in the US is still lurking around.
Florida Fan

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

Protoscolex from a hydatid cyst, probably due to Echinococcus granulosus.

Pamela DurĂ¡n said...

Scolices of Echinococcus sp

BW from Vt said...

wow, stunning videography