I have a real challenge for you this week! A 16 year old immigrant from Ethiopia presented with acute severe right upper quadrant pain, accompanied with fever and nausea. CT findings suggested a liver abscess and obstruction of the main hepatic duct. The patient's serum tested negative for
Entamoeba histolytica antibodies. Stool parasite exam revealed eggs of several round worms and
Giardia intestinalis cysts. Liver biopsy showed the following objects, measuring 60 to 80 microns in greatest dimension: (CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE)
(H&E, 200x original magnification)

(H&E, 200x original magnification)

(H&E, 400x original magnification)

(H&E, 400x original magnification)

(H&E, 400x original magnification)

(H&E, 400x original magnification)
Alright, I’ll stick my neck out on this one: the remnants of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs.
I don't know if the eggs are a stage of the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum-shizonts or eggs of Entamoeba histolytica??
Based on the size and mammilation I agree with Ascaris lumbricoides.
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