Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Case of the Week 758

 This week's case was generously donated by Professor Philippe Poirier, Dr. CĂ©line Nourrisson, and Dr. Maxime Moniot, Parasitology-Mycology Department, National Reference Centre for Cryptosporidiosis, Microsporidia and Other Digestive Protozoa, Clermont-Ferrand Teaching Hospital, France.

The following objects were seen in a stool specimen from a patient with diarrhea. 

Concentrated wet prep:

Giemsa-based stain:
Many were still moving!



CA guessing said...

Balantidium coli is the best I can do as about the right size and has flagella and some visible nucleolus. 50:50 confidence level though.

Florida Fan said...

Well, from the pictures and videos the movement is compatible with a ciliate. My thinking is that the organism is a Balantidium either coli or suis. Is there anyway to differentiate morphologically between the one of man and that of a pig?