Sunday, July 7, 2024

Case of the Week 751

 This week's case was generously donated by Dr. Karra Jones. A patient presented with intestinal intussusception, and the following was seen on histopathologic examination of the resected bowel. What is your diagnosis?

10x objective:

20x objective:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Likely possibility of Anisakis or Ascaris. Could be Trichuris as well. Showing eosinophilic inflammation

Idzi P. said...

The Y-shaped lateral chords tell me that this is patient has eaten raw (or undercooked) fish! 😉

Florida Fan said...

The cross sections tell us that this is a nematode. From on line publications and Idzi comment, the very tall musculature and Y shaped lateral chords favor a diagnosis of Anisakiasis.
Florida Fan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can Anisakids cause intussusception?

CA guessing said...

I like for Anisakiasis w/ the 3rd pic showing an abortive granuloma type structure -- even though supposedly non-tissue invasive these worms do get into tissues so can find in the mesentery (and even nodes probably) often without much intact worm structure.

Anonymous said...

A nematode

Anonymous said...
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