Monday, November 18, 2024

Case of the Week 761

This week's case was generously donated by Drs. Taylor Williams and Karl Kirby. The following object was passed per rectum by a child living in the Western US without travel outside of the country. The family also does not report any international travel. What is your differential diagnosis?


Lyne said...

Diphyllobothrium sp proglottids

Florida Fan said...

From what I have seen so far, the objects may suggest a Diphyllobothrid tape worm. Yet in the second picture, the object on the right hand side has the sections longer than wide, not typical of craspedote proglotids. The pictures didn’t show a clear line of central reproductive organs. I would press the sections to see if it produces the ovoid operculated ova and Carmine stain before coming to an identification.

Anonymous said...

It is not parasite, because there is no obvious internal organ. This could be some undigested food wrapped with mucous

Anonymous said...

Interesting….looks “weird”; NOT a parasite??

Anonymous said...

Not a parasite I think. Would look under a microscope though./Patrik