Monday, February 3, 2025

Case of the Week 769

This week's case is from Idzi Potters and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. The following object was identified in a stool specimen following the glycerin sedimentation technique. It measures approximately 150 micrometers long. How would you sign this case out?



Anonymous said...

Schistosoma mansoni

Anonymous said...

S mansoni

Florida Fan said...

I cannot believe it! Idzi giving out a freebie, one that can be identified without pain. The size, the shape, the lateral spine and even a live miracidium inside. Every detail fits S. mansoni to a T. The photography is superb.

Marke said...

Live Schistosoma mansoni egg with active miracidium! I’ll be seeing Idzi later this week!

Anonymous said...

I have been telling all my Dr’s that I have a parasite infection. They came in the house thru the sewage system. Everybody thinks I am crazy but trust me I am not.