This week's amazing case was photographed by Emily F. in my lab. The specimen is a formalin-preserved stool specimen from our teaching archives - but not everything was dead! A great reminder for why we need to treat all specimens as potentially infectious - even when preserved in formalin for months.
Ascaris, beautiful!
Ascaris egg! Good chance this one was fertilized.
Embryonated Ascaris with larva in the act of the hatch.
Larvae of Ascaris lumbricoides hatching from a corticated egg
Long live the Ascaris. It really survived the preservation.
Florida Fan
That is awesome and a little humbling... I saw this a couple of times after YEARS of preservation in Professor Cross' lab.
We see the same thing with Toxocara spp eggs in our lab, some of them have 4 or 5 years in formalin and the larvae inside still moves (were recovered from adult worms or from a sand pit from a public square).
-HLCM fan
Not an ID problem, but OMG.
ascaris awesome!
Ascaris lumbricoides!
The miracle of birth... adorable!
Ascaris hatching
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