Monday, July 6, 2020

Case of the Week 598

Welcome to the first case of the month provided by Idzi Potters and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. The following object was obtained during colonoscopy from a 35-year-old woman. It measures approximately 4 cm in length. Travel history is unknown. Identification?


Anonymous said...

Trichuris trichiura Whipworm

Lyne said...

Trichuris trichiura adult worm (whip worm)

BW from Vt said...

Whipworm, it is!
BW in Vt

Anonymous said...

Trichuris trichura adult. Beautiful whipworm recovery. Sometimes we only receive a portion of the worm, most of the time the posterior portion. The anterior often remains within the host.
Florida Fan

Maxwell Barson said...

That's the whipworm Trichuria trichuria

William Sears said...
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William Sears said...

Female Trichuris trichuria