Monday, June 28, 2021

Case of the Week 644

This week's case is from Blaine Mathison and Marc Couturier at ARUP Laboratories. They partnered with Techcyte to validate an exciting new system that uses artificial intelligence to identify parasites on digitally-scanned slides (see their recent article). 

Here is a case in which the following objects from a trichrome-stained stool specimen were identified by AI for the technologist's review. They measure approximately 8 to 9 micrometers in diameter. Identification?


Anonymous said...

Negatively stained “collapsed” oocysts of Cyclospora cayetanensis.
Florida Fan

Sir Galahad said...

Anche io dico Cyclospora cayetanensis.

Lyne Cédilotte said...

Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts

Anonymous said...

oocysts of Cyclospora cayetanensis

Unknown said...

Having a creepy dreadful parasite living in me without ID and a Mental health referral is hell when it's pathology, for this frozen piece of Original Hydated cyst that ruptured inside me 2 years ago now with attached parasites, that I need . I'd think science would want my journals, picture. Finding you all here tells me science can ID and its possible to help me save my life, now it's gotta be soon, spreading closer to my heart. Imo brain clear. A Dr recently cancelled a US ordered by another Dr.laughing. Nothing funny here hear.

Anonymous said...

Marc and Blaine,

Am I actually seeing 2 sporocysts in several of your images or is those just folds in the oocyst walls?

Blaine Mathison said...

Old One: folds in the oocyst wall; there are no sporocyts when freshly-shed in feces.

Oregonian parasite fan said...

These are unsporulated oocysts (not infectious)of Cyclospora cayetanensis. Cryprosporidium is smaller, Isospora belli is bigger than Cyclospora.