Monday, February 17, 2025

Case of the Week 770

This week's case is from Idzi Potters and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. The following structures were seen in a stool specimen from a child living in a rural area of Laos. They measure approximately 60 micrometers in greatest dimension. What is your identification?


Anonymous said...

Schistosoma japonicum egg

Florida Fan said...

Thank you Idzi for such a detailed pin pointing picture, most notably the not so “inconspicuous “ lateral spine and the miracidium inside. Size wise, we can eliminate S.japonicum, in fact this one would be a bit too far fetched up North. The geography is another clue, the Mekong river does flow through Laos. As such, my vote would be Schistosoma mekongi.

Florida Fan said...

Just a note learned from the last case: the “flame” is not flickering. Either the eggs have been fixed or defunct.

Anonymous said...

in my experience the virgin mary is very benevolent and not involved in parasite stuff