Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Case of the Week 437

This week's case was generously donated by Dr. Mike Mitchell and Janice Gotham. This is a trichrome-stained stool specimen. While the diagnosis may seem straight-forward, there is a question in what to call this organism based on some new proposed nomenclature changes. Please tell me how you think this parasite should be reported out to the patient's physician. Dr. Stensvold, I'm particularly interested in your opinion!


Rune Stensvold said...

Well, I'd suggest Blastocystis sp. (With Blastocystis in italics)

Graham Clark said...

I concur - or just Blastocystis.

Sugar Magnolia said...

Blastocystis sp.

Unknown said...

I would report for Dr. Stensvold that It looks like a Blastocystis species which is found in almost every stool specimen even for those healthy people. The treatment of this organism by antiprotozoal drugs can reduce the symptoms of the GI tract but may not eliminate the organism. There is a debate on its classification and pathology. It thought to be a yeast and then a protozoan but the scientists have agreed after gene sequencing to classified this organism under Stramenopiles group which includes brown algae, diatoms, etc.

ParasiteGal said...

So no takers for Blastocystis hominis? ;)

DM said...

I usually report as Blastocystis hominis.

ABW said...

We report as Blastocystis hominis

Hans Naus said...

Blastocystes species

Anonymous said...

Up until now, we are reporting these organisms as Blastocysts sp. We are not specialized in the nomenclature nor classification and will be delighted to learn.
Florida Fan

Anthony Rochester said...

Well I thought that Blastocystis hominis refers to a collection of species - I think that's how they report it in the lab I work at.